Hall Close
Type of Property: Retirement living
Address Line 1: Hall Close
Address Line 2: Silkmore
Town: Stafford
Post Code: ST17 4JJ
Contact Number: 01785 229677
Other Information:
56 Flats
Hall Close is located on Silkmore Lane in the south end part of Stafford. It is very close to the town centre & retail parks.
Local Amenities
Hall Close is on the local bus route providing a bus into the town centre every 20 minutes.
Scheme Facilities
Hall Close is very close to the local Co-op which also includes a post office. Next door to this there is a gym and some residents are members. A short walk down Silkmore Lane there is a nature trail for avid walkers and the retail park boasts a variety of clothing, home and pet shops along with coffee shops.