Celebrating our involved customers during Volunteers’ Week 2024

06 June 2024
Celebrating our involved customers during Volunteers’ Week 2024

As part of Volunteers’ Week, we’re saying thank you to our involved customers for helping to shape our services

This week we’re celebrating the members of our Customer Partnership Panel (CPP) and Virtual Customer Panel (VCP) for volunteering their time to help develop our services.

We’re so lucky to have these groups of involved tenants who generously give up their time to help improve the services that we offer to our customers. Dave joined our CPP in February and told us why he wanted to volunteer.

He said: “I initially joined the CPP for two reasons; the first was to give me something to do, the second was because of my experiences with Homes Plus, which hadn’t always been favourable, and had resulted in numerous complaints. So, I wanted to try to make a difference and hopefully help stop others from going through what I had been through.

“Joining the CPP has opened my eyes as to how much legislation and red tape there is for Homes Plus to follow in order to operate. But also, how hard Homes Plus are trying to achieve customer satisfaction and how the CPP does, and will continue to, impact the delivery of Homes Plus services. We do this by reviewing policies before they go public, meeting staff from various departments across the organisation and now we even have a CPP member who sits on the Homes Plus board.

“What has struck me the most is how invested everyone at Homes Plus is in delivering an improved customer service and recognising their shortfalls but also celebrating their success. From the Board members to the staff, they are all genuinely interested in our feedback and take on board our comments and suggestions on behalf of the customers.

“My decision to join the CPP has been an extremely rewarding and interesting experience. It has been one of the most worthwhile and best things I have ever done.”
